Stalwart Mrs June Norval is retiring after 41 years of service to Eunice High School!
The Eunice family said farewell yesterday with a “High tea” in her honour.
With memories to last a lifetime and the most precious messages from her current and past students, as well as staff members, she rang the bell as she bade farewell to “HER SCHOOL SO DEAR”.
After 41 years, her blood (and apparently most of her house) is definitely GREEN!
She retired on a high note as she and her Matric students of 2023 achieved the first place in the Motheo district as well as the first place in the Free State for Consumer Studies marks in the NSC finals.
Let’s see what she had to say on her last day at Eunice.
Which year did you start teaching at Eunice?
I started teaching at Eunice on the 1st of January 1983.
What is your fondest memory of Eunice?
My fondest memory is when Mr Cassar informed me on the Saturday morning of the Eunice Market 2000 that as from 2001 Kerry-Louise (his eldest daughter) would be taking Home Economics instead of Accounting!
Why do you think you stayed for so many years?
I stayed at Eunice for so many years because I was always happy and content and I loved my dear school and the girls in green. I had no desire to leave what was my happy place! My home away from home! I had so many opportunities and a lovely working environment.
What are your plans for your retirement and future?
My plans at the moment is just to find myself after 41 years of hard work and routine! To now be able to spend quality time with my family and friends. I always believe when one door closes, another one opens! So, I will take it from there.
What will you miss the most from your daily life at Eunice?
Teaching, guiding and supporting my learners.
What legacy do you wish to leave behind for future generations?
I’ll leave that to my past and present students. (See messages attached).
Mrs Norval says: To my learners, past and present, you have been the heart and soul of my teaching career. It has been an absolute privilege to watch you grow, learn and evolve into remarkable individuals. Your curiosity, enthusiasm, and determination have inspired me every single day, reminding me of the profound impact that educators can have on young minds.
Old Eunice Girls, Anke Janse van Rensburg and Yena Mgobhozi who were both taught by Mrs Norval will take over the reigns in the Consumer Studies kitchens and they will ensure that Mrs Norval’s legacy will live on forever.
Mrs Norval, we wish you all the best. Enjoy your new adventure and a happy retirement.