Learners from Eunice High and Primary Schools attended a chess camp just outside Bloemfontein at Mooigenoeg camp site.

During the camp, beginners were taught how to play; intermediate players were taught the more difficult moves and patterns and advanced players were taught strategies and openings.

Coaching took place, but they also had a lot of fun while having some team building activities.
They swam, had a waterballoon activity, thr newcomers held a concert and they played “Guess the song” and “Charades.”

It was a huge success and enjoyed by all.

Ameera Cassim, Mrs Lagrange (Head of Chess), Jesse Codron and Emily Chen.

Matrics at the chess camp: Reatile Phalole, Ziruo Wang, Reitumetse Mosoeu and Owam Xuma. Reitumetse was chosen as captain and Owam as vice-captain.

All the learners and coaches at the chess camp.

Playing chess: Reatile Phalole, Ziruo Wang, Reitumetse Mosoeu and Owam Xuma.
#EhsSport #EhsChess #chess



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