The annual Logan Toneelfees is taking place from 1-5 August and on Thursday, 3 August, Eunice will be performing for the first time in this festival.

The play entitled “Afspiegeling” means “reflection” in Dutch and deals with the physical, emotional and psychological aspects of how teens see themselves in the mirror.
It deals with real-life issues.

Lucy Groenewald (winner of DigiToneel 2022) and Greta Maschke (top 8 DigiToneel 2022) are outstanding and the play is extremely relevant and gripping. It varies between comedy, shock and tears and these two actresses take you on a very personal journey.

The play is the brainchild of Dr Niel van Niekerk, was written by well-known Bloemfonteiner Ilne Fourie and is directed by Mrs Martinette Spoelstra.
Together with Greta and Lucy, the five of them are the main ingredients in a winning recipe.

The festival started in 1976 and is the oldest and biggest Afrikaans youth drama festival for amateurs in the country.

Forty productions from primary and secondary schools from across the country will come together at the Hoërskool Fraserburg this week.
Bloemfontein will be well represented by Grey College, Jim Fouché and of course, Eunice High School.

After their return from Fraserburg, they will be moving into the Wynand Mouton theatre on 9 August, to perform “Afspiegeling” for the annual ATKV-Tienertoneel. You definitely don’t want to miss this!
We wish you all the best.
#EhsCulture #EhsDrama #drama #FraserburgLoganfees ATKV #tienertoneel2023



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